See What This Sweet Okra Soup Did to Blog Reader Chief Dili (Photos) -

Read what he wrote and see the lucky woman after the cut:
If you are planning to get married, go for your best friend. I did and I have no regret. She knows what I need at any time. She knows when I am angry even if I was smiling. She performs magic in the kitchen. I don't eat out because her's is the best. She feeds me with the best delicacies. She manufactures food. She knows when the pocket is dry and comes up with sweet encouraging stories. She knows when the pocket is wet and suggests how best to spend it. She completes my life. She is my second mother. Ashoke Nne Okwy is always the best but she has teamed up with Mama to take care of me. She reminds me of events with my friends. She is in good terms with my very few friends. She stands with me in every situation. Through her, my late Dad reincarnated. She forced down inner peace. She prays for me and my family. She understands me so well that she supports me in my job. She gave me a steel Bible. She takes my Dad/Son to church. She hates my Benson. She hates my Heineken. Sincerely I don't know why she hates them..
In summary, don't rush into marriage. Get the best. It might take forever but try to be selfish with your happiness. If she continues like this, I might not die.
I call her Sunshine.
I love her.
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