MY MESSAGE TO ALL STUDENTS !!! by his Excellency Ije Felix(s u g president Ansu)

Classroom doesn't Guarantee Success. Academic
excellence is overrated.!!
Did I just say that? Oh, yes, I said it. Being top of
your class does not necessarily guarantee that
you will be at the top of life.
You could graduate as the best student in
Chemistry, but it doesn't mean you will make
money than others.
The best graduating medical student does not
necessarily become the best Doctor.
The best student in

Civil Engineering does not
Guarantee best Civil Engineer.
The fact is life requires more than the ability to
understand a concept, memorize it and reproduce
it in an exam.
School rewards people for their memory, life
rewards people for their imagination. School
rewards caution, life rewards daring. School hails
those who live by the rules, life exalts those who
break the rules and set new ones. So do I mean
people shouldn't study hard in school? Oh no!!!
you should. But don't sacrifice every other thing
on the altar of First Class. Don't limit yourself to
the classroom.
Do something practical and radical; take a
position. Start a business and fail, that's a better.
Attend seminars, Read books outside the scope of
your course.
Think without the box if you must ever think. Go
on missions and win a soul for eternal rewards...
Do something you believe in! Think less of
becoming an excellent student but think more of
becoming an excellent person. Make the world
your classroom! Don't make the classroom your
Thanks and God Bless....


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