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Rick Ross Shows Off 100 Pound Weight Loss On Instagram


Ricky Rozay may soon have to start going by “Skinny Rozay” after seeing recent pictures of his dramatic weight loss! Rick Ross posted new pictures on Instagram, showing that he’s lost an estimated 100 pounds.
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He’s looking good!! Back in May, he told Tim Westwood that he has been doing high-intensity cross-fit, which he has deemed “Rossfit.”

“I still eat the way I want to eat…I just go to the gym. I do this shit called CrossFit. I call it ‘RossFit.’”

Lol for all of you all that like doubting,  see it your self that  your Rozay has lost wait, now he is not the boss again because  he is not fat abi? So let's give him a name oooo.... Place your  comments  bellow.. 


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